DUM: Digital Update for Microwave

2-9 October, Vancouver BC
Informal meetups, workshops, salons, food, and tours.
Lots of digital amateur microwave discussions with friends.
Interested? write fpga at openresearch dot institute and help us be as DUM as we can be.

Q: Will there be a schedule?
A: Yes. It will be posted on our website.

Q: Are there going to be proceedings?
A: We will publish what we call “DUM Notebooks”. This isn’t a formal proceedings, but it will capture the content of the meetups in notebook format. There may also be recordings of some of the events.

Q: Where is this going to be held?
A: At AirBNBs, restaurants, and a local University.

Q: Where are people staying? In some DUM hotel?
A: We don’t have an official DUM hotel. Attendees that aren’t local are at AirBNBs or hotels near the VanDusen Botanical Garden. Lodging coordination is on our Slack. To join ORI and access the Slack, please visit

A: Next, you’re going to tell me about how great public transit is in Vancouver.
Q: How did you know??

Q: If I’m at MUD, can I also attend DUM?
A: Yes of course. However, the MUD hotel is on the other side of a tunnel with frequent bad traffic. We hope you have a great time at MUD.

Q: What if I don’t feel I’m smart enough to attend?
A: If you feel DUM, you will fit right in.

Q: Does it cost anything?
A: There is no additional cost to be DUM. Food, lodging, and transportation are the responsibility of the individual participating.

Q: I have a call sign from the US. Can I operate in Canada?
A: AB2KT/VE7 explains “There is complete reciprocity between Canada and the US as far as ham operating is concerned. People are free to bring gear and use it if they’re so inclined.”